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Old Wed Aug 25, 2004, 02:07pm
3afan 3afan is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: North Texas
Posts: 429
in one of our HS clinics we were told to go to the home plate ump before making the call when there is a question of the pulled foot. that was right before this past HS season, in January. it was the first time many of us had ever heard of this specific mechanic. i think during the year most of us used the 'old style', just making the call, then if the defensive team asked us to go to our partner for help then we did. if for example you have bases loaded & lots of stuff going on you may not have time to go to the home plate umpire 'realtime', and he might be looking to see if a runner touched 3rd or something else. as the home plate ump you certainly don't want to miss something else while concentrating on the play at first .........
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