We worked....
We had a REAL UIC (and only 3 assistants with 3 different sites being used!, And I'm not sure but I think we had 118 teams and you had how many in IL....80 I think, how many assistant UIC's did you have?) in Bloomington. We had to work during our tournament ! From what I've heard our work during the week determined if we had a chance to work on Sunday. Our UIC didn't use some type "percentage" formula the week BEFORE the national to determine the umpires that worked the Sunday games !!!! Heck why not tell the umpires on Thursday or Friday they would or not be working on Sunday ? These national sites are complaining of the over-head cost of putting on these tournaments. Yours should have been able to save them some "motel cash" by sending the non-Sunday working umpires home on Saturday !