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Old Wed Aug 25, 2004, 05:49am
SC Ump SC Ump is offline
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Location: Columbia, SC
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I'm a big Dave Letterman fan, but I agree: it was an awful "Top 10" segment. The jokes were written poorly and being that the first one was not even remotely amusing, just a statement out of nowhere, it never had a chance to build up. (I don't know the player that "delivered" the #3 joke, but I thought she did it well, with a touch of acting.)


Top Ten Signs You're Not Going To Win A Gold Medal In Olympic Softball

10. Your Religion forbids you from hitting anything with a bat.
9. You could hit .400 and still not be hitting your weight.
8. Only three players show up for the final game because Oprah is on.
7. Because of travel agent,, the earliest you can get to Greece is November.
6. Your starting lineup includes six players from the Montreal Expos.
5. Every time there's a pop-up, outfielder yells, "Run for your lives."
4. Your starting shortstop--the frozen head of Ted Williams.
3. Won't go to third base because you're "just not that kind of girl."
2. Your pitcher leaves in the fifth inning to "beat the traffic."
1. You got nine players, one uniform.
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