Rule 9.01(b) Each umpire is the representative of the league and of professional baseball, and is authorized and required to enforce all of these rules. Each umpire has authority to order a player, coach, manager or club officer or employee to do or refrain from doing anything which affects the administering of these rules, and to enforce the prescribed penalties. d) Each umpire has authority to disqualify any player, coach, manager or substitute for objecting to decisions, or for unsportsmanlike conduct or language, and to eject such disqualified person from the playing field.,...(OBR, MLB.COM)
Since I started this discussion I'll chime in again. The ejection of pitcher for refusing to "don't do that" comes from this rule, not any pitching rules. A "don't do that" is a decision of the umpire to order a pitcher as to what he can't do, per the pitching rules.
Which is why I don't believe the "don't do that" is the way the rule should be written. In my opinion a ball is a more appropiate penalty, but in OBR, that's not the way the rule is to be interpreted, per Evans. As Dave Hensley has adequately answered my request for an authoritative opinion, this is "a don't do that", whether I like it or not. I am charged with administering the rules. In OBR games, it is a "don't do that" and if pitcher continues to deliberately refuse to "not do that" then we will go down the ejection road. But not necessarily if he slips an inning or two later...back to judgement and common sense.
Thanks for everyone's opinions. I'm here to learn, and whether I agree with everyone, or not, I've learned something from this thread.
[Edited by TBBlue on Aug 25th, 2004 at 01:02 AM]