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Old Tue Aug 24, 2004, 04:15pm
WindyCityBlue WindyCityBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
Not so fast, Jurassic, you area liar on par with Rut, now.

The first thread you hotlinked was started by Pete Booth, not me. WRONG!

The second was from me, but involved an actual MLB call on Jun 2, 2004...thus the title "Get it Right. MLB Call". It was not the original post from April 8th... AGAIN...WRONG!

Read it and weep...

Originally posted by WindyCityBlue

I’ve been reading a lot of griping about bad calls being made and what we can do about them. I know baseball and take pride in my abilities. But, we’ve all been involved in games where either we or our partner(s) has kicked a call. Not an outside pitch that jobbed a kid in the last inning. I’m talking about the bad home run call, the dropped ball at second or the trapped ball in the outfield (likethe NLCS last year with six umpires and they couldn’t get it right...sorry - deep breath, I’m a Cub fan afterall). I’ve been involved in bad calls on both sides and know that we can do something about them. How you handle it will make the differenece, but I believe that it is incumbent upon us to call the game fairly. That means doing what is necessary to remedy a bad call...even if it costs you with your crew. I know a lot of younger guys are going to say that the Big Dogs are showing them up. To those guys, I say, be careful. The older guys may have seen something that you didn’t OR vice versa Big Dogs. When I go to my partners on a controversial play, they know I’m offering advice on how we can get it right. When they come to me, I trust them to know the same is in order. It doesn’t happen often, but when we have the chance to fix our errors, we need to do it. I’ve seen bad calls get corrected in every major sport,(sorry, but soccer is not a major sport in my book). Major League baseball took away called homeruns several times last year. (I think one was touched by a fan who interfered and the others were bad fair/foul calls. We don’t remember the great calls, but we all wish we could fix the bad ones. I hold myself and my partners to a very high standard because I respect the game. I know how we do it, but I’m interested if you think this is a problem. Have you ever found the need to correct a bad call by a partner. How did you handle it?
[Edited by WindyCityBlue on Apr 8th, 2004 at 10:13 AM]
Oh my, it seems that the innocent question that started it all was taken out of context.
Why should I be surprised by another bad interpretation from our Michigan elder???
Any more bright ideas? Care to paint with a broader brush?

Don’t you just hate it when the facts prove you wrong! You keep quoting my words, I kept pointing out how you twisted them and took snippets from long discussions out of context. Now everyone can see just what was said and what you alleged.

How does that crow taste? Need some shame to wash it down???

Finally, PS2Man, you never worked in the Minors, I did.
If a kid steals on his own and I blow the call and ring him up, he may wind up on a bus home. My bad call + his penchant for being stupid = end of a dream. I guess you've never been involved in a game where you blew a called strike on a close one only to have the kid tag a walk off home run. You are perfect and that is why you hang out here. To show us all how scary your talent is. When did you graduate from Pro School? When did you work in the Minors? What major college conferences do you crew for? When you accomplish those things, you can second guess my advice. Until then, go back to playing the video games taht gave you your moniker. At least those you can master.