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Old Tue Aug 24, 2004, 11:25am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Re: Well,

Originally posted by Tim C
The "big wigs" are probably silent on this issue Tony because David nailed it 100%.


Tony -- what would you call if F1 takes his signs off the rubber? What if he starts the motion to pitch, but then steps back? Moves from wind-up to set (or vice-versa)?

All of these are "illegal acts", but don't result in a penalty (with no runners on base).

That said, maybe the rule will be changed.

Or, maybe Joe (or whoever the umpire was) didn't penalize the stop, but considered that to be "nothing" then viewed the rest of the movement a "new" pitch and, without sufficient notice to the batter, thus a quick pitch, thus an "illegal pitch" thus a ball.
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