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Old Tue Aug 24, 2004, 09:11am
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
Originally posted by SoGARef
I have a question for you. Your partner in a game makes a call that you, and only you, see to be incorrect.
You approach your partner and inform him that you saw it another way.
What do you do if he says he saw it the way he called it and you are wrong?

In football, there is no official who has authority over the other officials.

Nowhere in the rules of football does it say that when there is a dispute among officials the referee shall have the final say.

Thank you for recognizing that my words may have been twisted. My original question was “When do you think it is appropriate to overrule your partner?”

Uh no, Windy, you're twisting words again. You're original point weeks ago was that one official COULD overrule another official IN BASKETBALL. Baseball was never mentioned. It was pointed out to you that there were written rules in both FED and NCAA BASKETBALL that do not allow one official to OVERRULE another official. Those rules were quoted to you verbatim several times. You've been arguing differently to the point that everyone is sick of the topic. Every official in every sport in the whole damn world wants to get the call right, but you can't substitute your judgement for one of your partners and OVERRULE them if they don't wanna change their call. The basketball rules specifically disallow you from doing that, and apparently the football rules do also. That's all Rut, and many other people, have been trying to tell you, so shame on you for not listening to him.

You obviously aren't gonna change your mind. You obviously aren't gonna change too many other people's minds also, including mine. Why don't you just let it go? Everybody's sick of it.