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Old Mon Aug 23, 2004, 12:38pm
WindyCityBlue WindyCityBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
Shame on you...

...acting like a ten year old.

Is that another of your examples of not calling names and taking the high road? Apparently, using a metaphor, analogy or refernce that is not football explicit is taboo in your world.

It is ironic that you feel free to throw barbs and dismiss my experience without offering more than "20 years officiating" as contrary thought.

You cannot argue with, we AS OFFICIALS, are charged with the duty to call the game fairly. If you see a bad call made and have the ability to correct it (HOWEVER YOU CHOOSE), then it should be done. Otherwise the examples you are setting are dismal. What about the next generation officials? Would you rather have ten guys that just go through the motions or one who does whatever he can to make the game fair and works to make other more responsible? I would rather have one guy that knows the difference between right and wrong and doesn't let his ego get in the way. Maybe this Board is different.

I'm done.