Originally posted by SoGARef
I agree with everything you stated. I would only use the device if no other reliable saftey measure was available. When I cleared the field last Friday I did so long before any game management came to me. While we were off the field both ADs came to me and asked what do we do. I told them I had the authority to clear the field for safety, but it is your call as to whether we continue or cancel the game once I have cleared the field. In GA the state says that a game is cancelled after more than 1 hour delay.
The Strike Alert is the size of a pager. It detects lightning strikes from up to 40 miles away. By observing the series of lights on the top you can determine if the lightning is moving toward you, away from you or stationary. The lights progressively diminish from green to red with the red light meaning that the last lightning strike was within 6 miles of your location. That is a definite sign that no one needs to be on the field.
Would you know the cost of this item and where available?