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Old Sun Aug 22, 2004, 04:17pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Question Does it work better than......

Originally posted by SoGARef
Have any of your referees started using a lightning detector? Some of the schools in my area have installed them and some have not. In this suit crazy world I have decided to start carrying the Strike Alert personal lightning detector with me on the field when possible thunderstorms are in the area. Just wondering if anyone else is using this safety aid.
I have never personally used something that I carry with me, but I have worked games where the school had a lighting detector near the field or school. If it comes on that is what we use to figure out if lightening is possible. Other than that, I always pay attention to the sky and listen for thunder. If the AD wants to stop the game for some reason, I would not question them. Some schools also have some weather detectors or computers that let them be aware of bad weather coming. I do not know how much the device you suggest is any better than those I just mentioned?

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