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Old Tue Aug 17, 2004, 04:57pm
WindyCityBlue WindyCityBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554

Originally posted by Mike Simonds
We must be all-for-one and one-for-all out there. If we are doing our jobs there should be 2 looks at each play. And if we are absolutely certain then we need to communicate among ourselves (don't hang your fellow official in front of the coach!) and get the right call. But our attitudes must be always honest, brave and show respect. And don't forget humble: every season I've had at least one flag waved-off. I leave my personal pride home before driving to the game.
Agreed...we can certainly support our crew while getting the call right. If you have to change a call, there is a proper way to do it and it does not involve selling him/her out to a coach. Getting the crew together and admitting that the call needs to be changed - away from prying eyes and ears, is the goal. Big-leaguing your partner or saying "I can't over rule him from here." is B.S., yet we see it on all kinds of fields and courts. We all try to get them right, but sometimes our brain, hands and mouth don't work together. Other times we are sure that we saw something that just didn't happen - hey, we're human. But being in possession of a conscience is what makes us different from the guys betting on the games. If we see something that is obviously wrong, we are obligated to get it right. We have no vested interest in the outcome. Who knows...maybe one of those players will remember us and the job we did, then want to officiate. The guys on the field deserve it.