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Old Sun Mar 18, 2001, 07:28pm
Warren Willson Warren Willson is offline
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Re: Not Napping - - just wondering

Originally posted by Ump20
Finally, in order for me to better understand this potential play I ask what “preventive umpiring” if any would one recommend. I would think at the higher level of ball we would rarely instruct catchers not to get too close to the batter excepting the occasional shortstop brought in to catch. Jim Simms/NYC
I don't believe the catcher's closeness to the plate is the only issue here, Jim. It is possible, because I have seen it done, for a the backswing to actually hit the catcher in the back, even though the catcher had not encroached on the plate. It depends as much on where the batter stands in the batter's box as on how close the catcher is to the plate.

At the levels I call, it would normally be regarded as more than a little strange for the umpire to suggest the catcher modify his position. I have only ever resorted to this once, with a relatively inexperienced catcher, and my advice to him was to move FORWARD in the catcher's box, not back. He was so far back it was difficult for me to call the strike at the knees because it was in the dirt before he gloved the ball. Generally, the closer the catcher is to the plate the better I like it. Therefore I agree with your premise as stated above, and suggest there is no way to prevent this sort of occurrence. Mind you, it is so rare at this level that prevention hardly seems necessary.


[Edited by Warren Willson on Mar 18th, 2001 at 09:47 PM]
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