Thread: illegal pitch
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Old Sat Mar 17, 2001, 06:44pm
willieboy00 willieboy00 is offline
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R1 is on first base. No outs, and team B's nineth batter is at the plate with a 1 ball and 2 strike count on her. The pitcher of Team A throws an illegal pitch that is down the middle of the plate for strike three. The runner at first is going on the pitch. The ball gets away from the catcher. R1 goes on to third base. The batter forgets to run to first and is tagged out by the catcher. I know the penalty for an illegal pitch is the pitch is ruled a ball and base runners are awarded one base if the ball is not hit or batter becomes base runner. Otherwise,if ball is hit,Team at bat has choice of accepting play or penalty. Does R1 have to go back to second and the count is 2 balls and 2 strikes on B9, or can the coach take the play and let R1 stay on third with 1 out and have B1 coming up to the plate with one out.
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