Originally posted by rex
Originally posted by Carl Childress
Rexie baby: You're out of the closet. I'm impressed.
Now you have escalated your venomous nature by stating publicly that I have declared homosexuality. A statement like that can not defended or condoned. I truly believe you have lost it.
Brad if you are reading any of this I think its time you did something. And I dont mean just erasing the garbage. Its time you did something about the author.
I honestly believe that you have inferred that which was not implied here. I took Carl's reference to your coming "out of the closet" as a gentle jibe at your apparent admission that you have attended the Jim Evans Academy of Professional Umpiring.
It has long been held that many amateur umpires only espouse certain specific views because they were trained to those views at a Pro school. The inference is that while Pro school training is excellent for Pro umpires, it is not always entirely applicable or relevant for umpires in amateur leagues. Some amateur officials evidently prefer to conceal their Pro school training for that reason. I believe Carl was congratulating you on your apparent admission that you were Pro trained. The fact he may have misread what you wrote, in that you were actually referring to the top dogs of your association being Pro trained, is a simple mistake. I see no intended offense in what he wrote.
[Edited by Warren Willson on Mar 17th, 2001 at 12:12 AM]