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Old Wed Aug 11, 2004, 05:59am
SC Ump SC Ump is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Columbia, SC
Posts: 994
I did a couple of years (year round in FL) of ASA slow pitch and three months of modified-fast pitch before I started doing high school.

LT mentioned the problems of coaches, players and fans not knowing the differences between the various flavors of summer play and the school rules. I found that this was also a problem with the umpires. This was true for both my senior partners and myself. Being a guy that likes digging into the nuances of rules, I would see times when I knew my partner was misapplying a rule. At other times, especially in the heat of a moment, I would not be positive on my knowledge.

I remember one specific time when my partner said to me in between innings, "Can the pitcher step back before the pitch? She keeps doing it." My brain short circuited and I honestly could not remember. Fortunately we agreed not to say anything "unless the other coach complained." I know that's a terrible way to umpire and a good way to start getting (deserved) heat from the teams.

The ASA umpire development programs in the area of Florida I was at were very strong. That was a very good foundation for me. If you've had 10 years learning ASA umpiring mechanics, I'm sure the conversion will be a breeze.
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