The injured player rule was changed this past February and is posted on the NFHS website. Of course, the new rule books are out, but I missed our associations first clinic, so I don't have a copy yet, and therefore, don't know what changes they made to the relevant play rulings.
Previously, the player only had to leave the game if that player was "attended to on the field." Now the rule has been modified to:
(From the NFHS website released 2/2/04)
Rule 3-3-1(d)2: d. Replace, when an injured player(s) from either team is attended to on the field: with when a player(s) from either team is injured:
2. The injured player(s) shall leave the field and may be replaced.
It seems that now the only criterion for making a player leave the game is the referee's decision that the player is, in fact, injured.
I can tell you for sure that last season the player did NOT have to leave the game in your situation per 3.3.1SitD.
As for stopping the clock or not, it seems that the referee has the discretion to do either while determining whether or not A1 is injured, but my opinion is to not stop the clock until I decide that A1 is injured. Naturally, once A1 is determined to be injured the clock MUST be stopped, per 6-2-3a.
For those reasons, I would select 1.1 from your list for handling this situation. When I get my new book, I'll post again on this thread with those updated play rulings.
1. According to 9-3-3 I would have a drop ball for the restart, not an IFK, since I would rule that no team had clear possession once A1 went down.
2. This part of 1.3 is not quite correct: "and A1 cannot re-enter until the next opportunity for his team to substitute." If the player is determined to be injured and made to leave the field, his team could elect to play short-handed. In that case A1 may re-enter the field at the next stoppage of play, 3.3.1SitJ(b).
Only a teammate who is replacing A1 would have to wait until the next opportunity to substitute, if that team elected to play short right after the injury.