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Old Sun Aug 08, 2004, 07:32pm
Oz Referee Oz Referee is offline
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Join Date: May 2001
Location: Tweed Heads, NSW, Australia
Posts: 559
With the basket interference - keep in mind that if the ball is above the level of the ring, and in downward flight, it can't be touched by the defense - it's goal-tending.

As far as the backcourt rules go - technically you could call a backcourt violation everytime a dribbler crosses half-way. But you wouldn't get far as a referee if you did!

With regards to the USA teams being told the differences between FIBA and NBA rules - it is their responsiblity to learn the correct rules, not the organisers/referees to educate them. Let's face it, when I arrive at LAX airport from Sydney, does anyone explain to me that Americans drive on the right, or that the legal drinking age is 21, that possession of marajuana is far more serious than in Australia, or any of the 100's of other legal differences? Of course not, it is my repsonsibility to be aware of the differences before I arrive - and the same should apply for the Olympics.

Phew.....that's the longest post of mine in ages!!!!
Duane Galle
P.s. I'm a FIBA referee - so all my posts are metric

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