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Old Sun Aug 08, 2004, 12:10am
PSU213 PSU213 is offline
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Originally posted by rdfox
My pet peeve, however, is the wing official who, when confronted by a coach on the sideline about a questionable call by another official, tells the arguing coach, "It wasn't my call, coach". IMHO, that totally undermines the authority of the other official and basically is saying that if it was his call, he would have ruled differently. The wing needs to say, "John was right there, coach...he called what he and I can't see from here all that he saw."
I agree totally that the wingman needs to "backup" the call and not just say "it wasn't my call." I do not, however, find it wise to say "I/We can't see that from here." While it may be true that you indeed cannot see "it," I do not think it is wise to give the coach the "ammunition" of your not being able to see it, as that can be twisted in undesirable ways. Anyway, my two cents on the subject.
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