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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 06, 2004, 11:45pm
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Need some help from those heading to Marietta.

There is a scandal-rumor among the coaches about an additional team being permitted to partake in the 18U Gold in spite of ASA's 64 team limit. The team seems to be the Miami Valley Express from Region 9.

Of course, the argument is ASA burying their head in the sand while it may actually be an appeasement to avoid legal action which could possibly delay the entire tournament.

I have absolutely no idea what the story is and would appreciate you keeping you ears to the ground for any additional info you can gather.


The scoop that I heard is that, yes, an additional team was entered in the tournament. That team is the Miami Valley Express. Apparently, they were told by their commissioner and JO commissioner that they were a Region 10 team, therefore, they went to the Region 10 qualifier. Upon arrival, they found out that they were in fact a Region 9 team, and therefore, were not allowed to participate. They couldn't participate in the Region 9 qualifier because it was held about 2 weeks prior. So Ron Radigonda used his "executive director" power and got with the team's lawyers and allowed the Miami Valley Express entry into the Gold nationals, thus, raising the team field to 65, even though ASA code says maximum of 64. Ron must have felt that the team was being penalized for a mistake on the part of ASA.

My only question (like others) is: Did this team only plan on entering just one qualifier with the hopes that they would get the bid without having to go to another qualifier? My expreience has told me that you enter as many qualifiers as financially possible with the hopes that out of all the qualifiers, you will get a bid somewhere. Oh well. Guess we'll see some after action at the next council meeting in regard to this.
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