Heard about how Legion can be. I called a few games this summer and had no problems. Worst I ran into was this past weekend at the 18 and under AABC regional. Had some idiot fan tell me I needed to go back to the indian reservation because I was calling the outside corner (or as he put it 18"'s off the plate) I turned to look for game admin to have the idiot escorted out but could not find one right off wiithout really holding up the game.
He did shut up when he realized I was calling the plate the same both ways, until his team lost, then he started again after the game. I ignored him until he finally spouted off that it was obvious I never played the game a day in my life. I turned around and told him it was obvious he never learned sportsmanship a day in his.
Need an out, get an out. Need a run, balk it in.