Since it was pointed out that I misintrepreted part of the original post, allow me to alter my reply.
I reason, from the original post, that there is NO PENALTY for the situation that occurred. I know, I didn't change my stance.
It is the scorer's responsibility to manage control of the book thru-out the game (including between quarters). Discretion must be used in calling such technical fouls(under rule 2-3), however, lest a team be unjustly penalized.
In the post, we do not know if the scorer was at the table when team A took the book. Nor do we know if the scorer encouraged or discouraged the removal.
A strong reprimand (explaining the rule and its intent) or possibly the removal of the scorer is the best solution to an unfortunate situation.
Just a note for those that give a 'T' to the home team for suppling the scorer in the original post. What if team B took the book from the table ---- penalize the home team??