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Old Wed Jul 28, 2004, 07:42am
ozzy6900 ozzy6900 is offline
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This is umpire basics 101. No one has the authority to override safety regulations in youth or amateur sports. No TD has the right, no association has the right, and no coach has the right. It is the umpireÂ’s responsibility to see that each game is played by the rules and in a safe environment. Can the umpire be held liable, IÂ’m sure in this age of cut throat, sleazy, money hungry attorneys (no respect intended) the legal system will find a way to make the umpire take the brunt of the blame. After all, he is the last wall of defense in safety issues. He is the last person who can legally not start the game if safety rules are not followed. If he walks away and the teams still play without him, it is not his responsibility.

Major League Sports may have different ideas but then they are putting butts in seats and the players are making millions of dollars. At the youth and amateur level, the players have lives in front of them or jobs to go outside the sports complexes.

"Mr. TD or coach, are you instructing me to overlook a safety rule? Then enjoy your game, I'll be on my way."
When in doubt, bang 'em out!
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