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Old Tue Mar 13, 2001, 06:00pm
Warren Willson Warren Willson is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 561
Originally posted by PeteBooth
I realize it's pre-season but this past Saturday, Tom Seaver (a Met Color Commentator) was very vehement in his comments about the new Cream Color Shirts worn by the PRO umpires. He stated that this is very distracting to F1 and if he were pitching today he wouldn't like it.

I can see it now, hey Blue, please remove your shirt as it is distracting.
A "Met Color Commentator", huh? That's an oxymoron if ever I've heard one! (grin)

I think Mr Seaver is probably struggling for some color to comment upon, and so chose "white" (or cream) instead! (BIG grin)

There is NO WAY this should be distracting to the pitcher. He should be focused instead on the catcher, the catcher's glove, and the zone which normally frames the catcher's chest protector. The umpire and his cream shirt are outside of that area of focus. We are talking about MLB pitchers here, not little kids.

Think of all the noise, color and distractions that exist around an MLB home plate anyway! Some diamonds even have toughened glass windows behind the plate area, presumably protecting radar guns, cameras and pitch tracking devices. Imagine the reflections these could cause! We've even got UmpCam and CatcherCam to distract the pitcher, so what's a plain cream shirt in the slot going to hurt? After all, the pitcher isn't trying to see a white ball coming out of that block of color. If anything it might make the catcher's glove stand out BETTER as a target!

Nah! This is just a case of too little to say and too much time to say it in! (BIG grin)

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