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Old Mon Mar 12, 2001, 05:30pm
JJ JJ is offline
Veteran College Umpire
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: IN
Posts: 1,122
All of the rules codes say (loosely quoted) "a pitcher's glove shall be uniform in color, but neither white nor gray". With the plethora (good word, huh?) of multicolored gloves out there, how tightly is this enforced? I have seen brown gloves with red webbing, black gloves with brown fingers, red gloves with black webbing - but no umpire on any level I have worked (FED, NCAA, Pro) has called the pitcher on it. The only time I have ever seen an issue made of this at all is a pitcher that had a glove with light GRAY webbing. He was not allowed to use it as a pitcher.

Is this an issue? Do the rules need to be changed? What do YOU do if it's called to your attention?
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