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Old Wed Jul 21, 2004, 12:36pm
PiggSkin PiggSkin is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 107
Saw this happen an NFL playoff game!!!

San Francisco vs. Minnesota in the late 80s.

Minn pinned deep late in the first half, and punted on fourth down. SF made a fair catch at midfield. They then elected to kick off and try to split the uprights for a FG. They missed badly, but it was fun to see the mechanics of how they set that up. Markbreit did the game.

Even more impressive, is that Madden predicted what Walsh was going to do and said so on TV! [/B]
I remember that game... The thing that struck me at the time was the kicker (Mike Cofer?) looked completely confused about the situation... I couldn't help but think that he didn't really believe what was going on, and that's why he missed so badly...

If he had kicked the ball any worse, he would've been flagged for a free kick out of bounds...
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