Are you alert? Do players, coaches, fans etc. see you as alert? How is you posture? Is it erect without appearing stiff?
Do you move with a purpose? With confidence? Athletically? Do you hustle at all times without appearing 'out of control'?
Do you have an understanding of the game you are involved with at that time to know when a smile or light comment may be appropriate; or aware enough also to know when an appropriate compliment is in order?
Do you look people in the eye with confidence thereby instilling confidence in others?
Do you speak clearly without mumbling?
To me these are all (along with many others I can't think of right now)attributes or actions that help to convey a positive "presence" which we all know is a good thing.
There are many aspects of this sought after trait. Much of it is a mind set, much of it is physical, part of it is personal philosophy that shows thru. I look forward to other officials take on this subject.