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Old Tue Jul 20, 2004, 07:59pm
TravelinMan TravelinMan is offline
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Originally posted by Jay R
Welcome to the board Aussie Dan.

I have been refereeing FIBA rules in Canada for a few years.
I enjoy discussing FIBA rules, just indicated as such or else most will believe that it is Federation rules (the ones used in US high schools.

I once posted a FIBA quiz for my American counterparts. They took to it like fish to land.


Please remember the game was invented and played for many years in the States.

No basket interference - that would be a definite advantage to American players since so many of them play above the rim.

Can anyone tell me WHY other countries felt obligated to change the basektball rules. It would be like the United States changing soccer rules then using their rules as the standard in international soccer play.

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