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Old Sat Jul 17, 2004, 09:54pm
ref18 ref18 is offline
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Originally posted by JugglingReferee

In section (i), the pass was thrown to a location beyond the LS:
In part (a) the pass was complete by the defense.
In part (b) the pass was complete by the offense.
In part (c) the pass was incomplete.

In section (ii), the pass was thrown to a location before the LS:
In part (a) the pass was complete by the defense.
In part (b) the pass was complete by the offense.
In part (c) the pass was incomplete. [/B]
(a) Repeat the down, and give A the ball and go back 15 yards from PLS,
decline the penalty and accept the interecption and subsequent play (the likely answer).

(b) Repeat the down 15 yards back of PLS
Decline the penalty and give A any distance gained (highly unlikely)

(c) Repeat the down 15 yeards back of PLS
Decline the penalty and let the play stand as an incomplete pass

same options regardless of whether the pass was thrown before or beyond the LS

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