Im pregame I tell both teams in the Men's ASA Rec leagues that I ump that they get 3 warmup pitches or 1 min. max, whichever comes first, at the start of all innings. Mostly they think I'm nuts and that I'm making it up, 'cause no other umps enforce this rule. But when I've got 3 games in a night, or 4 on a Sunday, it makes a huge cumulative difference in saving time. In these Rec leagues, they want extra time at every opportunity (pre-game warmup, any stoppage of play), and we'd be there all day if they were allowed.
I've seen other umps who let teams dawdle at will, then call every semi-close play or closer as an "out" to end the games quicker. That's one reason I became an umpire. I could not stand that.