First...the "dead ball switch" is rare.
(Coach, officials switch after every foul...not after every dead ball)
We do have what we call "long switches"...briefly, this is when a ball goes out of bounds near an official and he/she dosen't want to make his/her partner run over to the OOB he/she takes the ball out instead, then the off official will do a "long switch". This is not really a mechanic that is used where I come from, but it can speed up the game, (especially during a running clock). I must admit, I have used this mechanic in lower level games and REC leagues.
Another switch that we might do during a dead ball concerns some front court activity...I'll let someone else explain it if they want. (It's getting late)
Basically, Coach, if you have a question about switching mechanics...I would have no problem with you coming up and asking me what they are...and maybe discussing your concerns as well. I suppose each official could take your questions differently...and there lies your original concern. If you are sincere and display good sportsmanship while you discuss these issues...there shouldn't be a problem.