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Old Fri Jul 16, 2004, 10:37pm
ref18 ref18 is offline
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Never mind with that question either. HOF stands for Hall of Fame. Wow, I must really be tired, if I can't understand that. I've actually never been to the hall of fame, I should try and get there some time.

I completely misread the play. Now i just have to write a response that actually goes with said play. For some reason, i thought that the OPI occured behind the line of scrimmage, but it didn't so here's the ruling I found.

Rule 6 Section 4, Article 10

Penalty: 1

By Team A- Loss of 15 yards and repeat the down.

There are also some possible options, but I need to know the outcome of the pass to give those.

I think I'd need a bit more information as to the outcome of the pass, was it incomplete or completed and if it was caught, then by whom??

[Edited by ref18 on Jul 16th, 2004 at 11:54 PM]
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