Tue Jul 13, 2004, 05:39pm
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Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Portland, Oregon
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Originally posted by blindzebra
Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by roadking
is there a simple rule to correct what can be corrected or not? watched a game the other day team b fouls team a, team a calls a timeout. team b mistakenly given ball out of bounds after timeout, drives to basket makes goal and is fouled in process. coach a figures what happens and calls timout to correct error. official come together and decide to count the basket for team b, but dont allow team b the bonus shot, then give team a the ball at half court, by my understanding of the rule this should of been a corretable error? any help out there. thank you
Unfortunately, giving the ball to the wrong team for an in-bounds play is not a "Correctable Error." It is fixable until the ball is legally touched inbounds. After that, tough beans. Consult NFHS rule 2.10 for the list of correctable errors.
Even if this had been a correctable error, they didn't correct it properly. Did the foul go on the record, but the shot wasn't given? That seems really messed up. They should have not counted the basket or the foul, and then given the ball to team A at the original in-bound point.
But it's not correctable, anyway. Which is why at the very beginning of a time-out, the refs should always verbalize to each other what the re-start is going to be. Makes mistakes like this very few, and very far between.
[Edited by rainmaker on Jul 13th, 2004 at 01:56 PM]
Actually under correctible errors all activity i.e. time, points, and fouls count up to the time it is detected.
Had this play fallen under CE the basket and the foul would have counted.
Yea, you're right, doggone it! I've been at this 5 years and I still cant get it right. I was thinking of giving an unmerited free throw, which if it happens DOES have all the activity cancelled.