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Old Tue Jul 13, 2004, 11:52am
Elaine "Lady Blue" Elaine
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 374
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DD Renee had severe tendinitis of her left (throwing arm) starting in July 2002, but she didn't tell me as I was in and out of the hospital with 2 surgeries. During my convalesence, she returned from the NSA National and immediately started HS softball. Remember, Georgia plays HS softball in the fall.
So, about 5 games into the season, she was holding her shoulder a lot and finally complained about it. According to the Orthopedic, she should have been better after laying off all throwing for 4 weeks and 2 times a week therepy for 6 weeks. She wasn't, would have required surgery and she wasn't fond of it. She tried to play 18U A in Spring of 2003, but it was no go. Her career ended. Too bad as that last travel ball season, her defensive % at 1st base was 958 for over 120 games. Oh well.
Scott, send me your particulars concerning the Gold via email: [email protected], and who you met from Georgia.
Since I'm not umpiring, I'm a scorekeeper for one of my old associations---Gwinnett Umpires. Slow pitch at county facilities. I've got 7 games on Saturday.

See ya on the field!
"Lady Blue"
Metro Atlanta ASA (retired)
Georgia High School NFHS (retired)
Mom of former Travel Player
National Indicator Fraternity 1995
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