Fri Jul 09, 2004, 09:01pm
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,643
Re: Re: Re: I would find it hard to
[QUOTE] Originally posted by DG
Originally posted by LDUB
Originally posted by Peruvian
Much like a foul ball (unless it is a questionable home run) can not be changed; this would be difficult.
However, whereas the defense should know an infield fly rule is in effect and the onus is on them to know the difference, I would say the defense should have known the rule here, regardless of what the umpire said.
Seems to me he's just going to have to eat it.
I don't know about that. If the PU refuses to change his call, he says the pitch was caught then the batter is out. But in the play described, it looks as if both teams played it as if they knew the umpire was wrong. The BR ran to first, and the defense tried to retire him. I say leave the play as is.
Here is a similar situation and how it was handled.
Originally posted by JRutledge
I had a play during this past baseball season where my partner helped me. I was the PU. There was a runner on 1st and 2nd with 1 out I believe. There was a pitch in the dirt (I could not see it hit the dirt) on a swinging 3rd strike. The catcher completely blocked me off from an angle on the play and the batter start running to first base. The batter/runner made first cleanly, because the throw to first was an errant throw and pulled the first baseman off the base. My partner comes right to me after the play is dead (like we had talked about in our pregame on situations like this) and we had a talk away from the coaches and players. He told me that the ball was caught by the catcher, which made the batter/runner out immediately. I completely agreed with him because I did not have the best look at the play. I was the one that made the signal for the batter being out after our conversation. Not my partner, but me. I took his information and changed my own call. How you are suppose to do it. Just like in Basketball. The same procedure applies. Similar language in the rulebook applies. My partner that day is a D1 and Minor League Umpire as well. Anyone from our area knows him and that is how we handled that situation.
In your second example, the batter is out either way, because 1B is occupied with less than two out. Catcher should know that also, so why did he throw. Defense erred. BR who made it 1B is out. If the other runners advanced on the throw then so be it..
Ohh sorry about that. Rut posted it wrong. He meant to say only a runner on second. Here is the thread if you want to see it. It is at the bottom of the first page, and the top of the second.