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Old Wed Mar 07, 2001, 02:40pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Rich Ives
The IF rule specifically states that the catcher and pitcher are infieldres "for the purpose of this rule." Must be they aren't infielders otherwise, else why was it necessary to add them here?


Catcher is defined separately from infielder.

Runner is protected only if the ball passes through an INfielder.

Poor slob is out - dead ball.

Can't see a DP as there was no chance

Yep --

and, "pitcher" must be redundant since he already meets the definition of "infielder"

and, F3 - F6 do not normally "occupy a position in the infield," so most infield flies aren't

I concede that the ruling in the BRD is correct under a literal reading of the rules. If I saw an umpire call it that way, however, I'd think he committed several of Carl's 51 Ways to Ruin a Game.
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