Originally posted by Dan_ref
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by devdog69
On out-of bounds calls, blow the whistle and say "WHITE" or whoever's ball it is, you won't have to point that way everyone will already know, and don't don't don't say 'off-white, blue'...
...or "White ball!"
The ball is not white.
The ball belongs to white.
Just say, "White!"
White's ball?
Personally, I like to hop up and down on one foot, while pointing over my shoulder and screaming " WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE....."
Hmmmm....so what do you do if it's red's ball?
Remember Leslie Neilsen in the Naked Gun? The scene where he played the baseball umpire, when Reggie was trying to shoot the Queen?
To answer your question, if I could, I'd do the splits just like Lt. Drebbin, get back up, and then moonwalk while I was hollering "R-E-E-E-ED!" How cool would that be?
Lt. Frank Drebbin-
"I like my sex the way I play my basketball- one on one, and with as little dribbling as possible".