i think we are singing the same tune...
Rut stated:
I agree if we see a problem take care of that problem. I am all for that, but we should not consider ourselves to be the main person to fulfill that duty
WCB stated:
I don't replace bases when they get dislodged, I don't tend to injurd players, I don't chalk the box or lines, I don't close gates and I don't act like their parent out there. I will be kind and considerate, but my JOB is to be an adminsitrator
These two statements hit my intent perfectly. Observation of safety issues is not our primary concern - administration of the game is. However, remaining aware of the potential for weather related injuries is part of that role as an administrator and should be addressed with the same attentiveness that we watch for lightening or similiar situations. These traits are a combination of situational awareness and preventive officiating.
Alan Roper
Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here - CPT John Parker, April 19, 1775, Lexington, Mass