Baseball North lives in a very nice city in Canada where no one would even dream of arguing with an umpire! Why we had a team from there come to a tournament here last summer and the coaches were sooo polite we considered asking one to move here (had to bring the team too). He was even calm and polite while arguing heatedly.
Why Tueday night I was coaching and the ump calls 5 runs (max 5 runs per inning). Kids rush to change sides as I go to have a little talk with the PU and scorekeeper.
Coach: It's only 4 runs
SK: No coach it's 5.
Coach: Who was the 5th run ?
SK: Nathan
Coach: Nathan is my 5th batter and is on 3rd base.
(all look towards the now empty bag at 3rd)
SK: No he scored on that last hit.
(I look out at the other team's coach who is now laughing at me)
Coach: Well if you absolutely insist we will take 5 runs!
When it comes right down to it there is nowhere else to put a water bottle at most parks. At the 60' and 70' fields I put my bottle on top of the equipment box beside the visitors bench. It's close enough to keep an eye on and handy too. On the main 90' field I put it at the edge of the backstop well towards the bench. Theres no gate, nowhere to use other than that or in the home dugout. If a ball hits it there well tough. Theres at least 40' from plate to backstop. The other 90' field has about 10' to the backstop so putting a water bottle there is looking for problems.
What my wife suggests is having the backstop build with a little enclosed shelf and door.