Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Congratulations, Windy! It's quite an accomplishment to be wrong on the same subject in 3 different threads.
Again, Jurassic, show me exactly where I was wrong. Did the play happen? Yes. Did the calling official change the call? No. I believe that is completely opposite of your clearly written rule. I must be wrong because you say it couldn't happen. Get that time machine ready!
1) Your story didn't change, Windy? Not a bit? BIG

Do you want me to cut and paste your exact posts again? I'd be glad to, if you want.
Go ahead...and I will repeat exactly what the original post was. Unlike you, I don't cut and paste everything, I dialogue with fresh thoughts. Apparently others can read and understand the discussion. If I shorted the story, for the sake of brevity, so be it. Everyone else knows what was originally said and the moral of it. Don't say that something can't happen...it did, much to your chagrin. I don't care what you read..the truth speaks volumes...it happened.
2) Same old/ same old. Great argument.
Thanks, at least we know that you can read.
3) I wouldn't argue rule book points with you? What do you think that I've been doing for the last week? I just post the rules, Windy. There's really no arguing involved. There's no grey areas in the rules that I cited at all; they're very clear and precise. You can't argue a plainly written rule, Windy, even though you insist on trying.
Oh my, you can't agrue a plainly written rule. Our entire legal system is based on arguing rules. Are you deft? This was as horrible an analogy as your previous counterpoint. By the way, we choose to focus as much on the intent of the rule as much as the language. My colleagues don't challenge wordsmiths, we live it and can call up a bamk of real experience. That is the difference between those there and those here.
Wrong and no credibility, Windy. Bottom line. [/B][/QUOTE]
Yes, bcasue you don't care what I say, right. Hurry, we are all waiting for you to show us how little you care.