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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jul 04, 2004, 01:56am
Ref Ump Welsch
Posts: n/a
I asked my League UIC about this the other night. He's also ASA district UIC. He said, to warn the coach first time, second time, bench the coach. His feeling is if it has to happen a third time, then eject him/her. The exception to this is if they come out of the box and PHYSICALLY aid them, then it becomes an ejection after the warning.

I asked, problem is, what if it's a different person the second time? His reply-make the first one a blanket warning to the team, so everyone gets a clue. After that, bench anyone who causes it to happen the 2nd time, and then if it actually comes to a third time, eject them, no matter who caused the first 2 situations.

He's been around for almost 30 years, and said he's only seen it happen once or twice in slowpitch, and that it's more prevalent in fastpitch.
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