OK, but what would one do then if Team-B, which just lost by 1 or 2 points with no time on the left on the clock and their coach has decided that they were not going to go back out and play the TRY down?
That's all I'm asking.
I also didn't, at least I did not think I did imply a TRY was mandatory under currrent NFHS rules, I thought that's what I read into the experimental rule when I saw the word "must" be attempt. You've clarified that.
FWIW, I'm going into my 11th NCAA season and not seen one case in any of my games where Team-B had the chance to score. I think the main reason is that the kickers are too good.
This is season 19 for NFHS and I think maybe Team-B might have had the chance a dozen times. It's really hard to say since on blocked kicks, the played is ended rather quickly.
I suspect that situation will yeild a few points for either team.