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Old Thu Jul 01, 2004, 12:16pm
SamNVa SamNVa is offline
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Re: You've got to wait

Originally posted by DownTownTonyBrown
What if you call the interference and F3 catches it anyway... then the runner didn't really interfere.

There is no real reason to hurry the call. Take note of where runners are and then IF YOU NEED to make an interference call, you can place runners at the correct positions on the bases.

Just like others have pointed out - wait and see as much of the play as you can before a call needs to be made. I guess the way to say this is SEE THAT THE COLLISION HAS AFFECTED THE PLAY, then make the necessary call. That could mean immediately or it could mean another second of waiting.

[Edited by DownTownTonyBrown on Jun 30th, 2004 at 07:42 PM]
I TOTALLY DISAGREE with the idea of waiting to see if the "interference" had any effect on the play. Suppose. F9 comes over and attempts a diving catch, but just misses the ball, are you then going to call interference on R1? If you do, you are in for some serious face time with the O-manager.

Interference MUST always be an immediate call. If a runner and a fielder get tangled up, you must decide AT THAT MOMENT whether that fielder has the best chance to make a play on the ball, and either call the interference immediately or not.

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