I understand your view, what I am worried about is the rule says 'has, or is about to catch a thrown ball'. I notice POE 13 doesn't mention this case. So if you assume any contact is delibrate and would envoke 8-7Q then if a girl is blocking the base waiting on a throw and she runs into her leg trying to get a foot to the base, she is out for INT under 8-7Q as she delibertly "crashed" into the fielder?? I am not trying to split hairs but the original post on the other board was about a girl brushing F2 as she ran into home and F2 was about to receive the ball, runner was trying to hit the back portion of the plate as F2 was standing on the front of it. Unless that was a misprint in the rule book, we should never have OBS if contact is made (without a slide) with a fielder blocking the base if they are about to receive a throw.
What you said abotu attemting to avoid contact is how I rule on the field, you can tell if they tried to get around them or if they were running into them. That to me makes it a deliberate act to result in enforcment of 8-7Q.