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Old Wed Jun 30, 2004, 08:51am
WindyCityBlue WindyCityBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
Exclamation Advice

ecurebel -

Not sure where you work or what level...

So basically what I am saying is don't ask for assistance on a call about a footpull or a tag if you know you are going to get the answer of yes he was tagged or no the foot wasn't pulled.

Why, if you didn't have the angle, why wouldn't you ask. Ego???

you know that you fluffed it.. either remake the call right there...your judgment is going to be attacked either way, but if you get the call right thats one thing, letting another coach feel that you are being coerced by the opposing team is the other..

No...the opposing team won't have a chance to influence me if I do it right. Hit, fielder throws...catch...look at my partner who is up the line looking at the back end..."Did he have the bag?" make my call. Not difficult and pride should not be part of it. I would rather look bad and get the call right, than guess and get the call wrong, just to look like I know what I'm doing. Then, you will have one coach screaming at you!

main thing is slow down with the bang bang plays and think things through about where the ball was where the foot was and what not you wouldn't have to change a call that you fluffed.

Slow down...good advice...but what if you don't have a good angle? Fluffing it has nothing to do with asking for another look and then making the call. All you are asking for is whether the guy had the bag or a tag. It is your judgement that calls the final play.

every call could go against one team but if at the games end you could walk out the parking lot with your partner to change and get ready to leave and are capable of saying i called the game to the best of what i knew...then you did your job well

Not if your pride prevented you from asking for another look when you know you were screened or out of position.
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