I've done too much AA softball. The other side of the fence is non-existant. Did a tournament out of town last year. The next week one of my softabll friends asked why I was so stuck up when umpiring. Turned out he'd been trying to say Hi at the tournament but I had never noticed.
Generally the parents back of the backstop can mutter away to their hearts content about balls and strikes and every other call. Kinda like Monday morning QBs.
Had a few problems with people in the stands shouting as the pitcher pitches last year so I am working on trying to pay a little bit of attention to whats said back there but usually a player or coach is going to have to bring it to my attention.
Unfortunately Sunday night we had a parent calling "Swing" as the ball got near the plate. Put an end to that pretty quick but didn't make any friends.
On another down side having the back stop 3 feet behind me gives parents the opportunity to give non-stop advice to their kids. One kid looked terrified of the ball, stayed wayyyy away from the plate on the pitch, now and then he'd step in and swing but really no hope of hitting it. Mom and dad kept telling him to move in closer etc etc. He was trying to overcome his fears and did not need their advice which was embarassing to him more than anything.
Only other comment I heard this year from the lawn chair crowd was one woman who said "Theres the ump with the cute butt!. Scorekeeper get that woman's name and number! Got lots of chuckles.