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Old Sat Jun 26, 2004, 10:31am
Jay R Jay R is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 1,050
My two cents.

Like many things, calling a technical foul should be based on common sense and balance. You can't be trigger happy but you must not shy away from calling a warranted T.

In my first few years, there were times when I would go home after a game and think that I should have T'd a coach. In my effort not to T up people too fast, I was taking abuse. I have improved that part of my game.

An anecdote from last year. A fellow official from my zone ejected a coach in record time. He called a T on a coach and before reporting it to the table, he called a second one. It wasn't my game and I don't know the details of the situation. However, a week later, I was working with this same official when a coach starting chirping for various things. I warned the coach. At half, I told my partner that if the complaining continued I was going to T the coach. My partner's response was that he wasn't going to give the coach the satisfaction of calling a technical on him. Go figure.

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