Originally posted by pljson
I've heard both sides of the argument. I'm hoping to get the official call on whether it's a foul or not.
I believe you can "hug" (read: pin) the ball against the offensive player while not fouling.
Here's what I want to know:
Is it a cut and dry (automatic) foul every single time?
Do you have to determine IF a foul is committed?
What's the call if it happens in the NBA.
Sometimes the defense player can get a hand on the ball from behind or from the side without contact & then contact occurs when the offense pulls the ball in to protect it. So we're left with B1's hand (note 1 hand, not 2) and A1's hands all firmly holding the ball, and B1's arm kinda wrapped around A1.
Sounds like a held ball to me.
But if B1 wraps both his arms around A1 to secure the ball it's a foul pretty much always.