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Old Wed Jun 23, 2004, 08:28pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Re: Re: Not exactly...

Originally posted by His High Holiness


We agree 100%. The DC area is exactly like Chicago. Coaches have a lot of influence but assignors have the ultimate say. Assignor's are influenced by coaches and ADs. My particular assignor is heavily influenced by ADs.

Why am I not surprised that you know what's going on and that other umpire from Chicago is clueless.

He said the exact same thing I said. He just worded it a little differently, but we said the exact same thing. And I work 3 sports, not just one. I think I am very familiar with how I get games and what gets guys banned or recommended. Assignors only listen to coaches to a point. They do not allow coaches (especially the strong ones) to just dictate who goes where, especally if the beef is not valid. And unless there is some tape or major rule violation, they are just not scratching umpires. And the assignor of one of my association has made it clear that he will send an umpire right back to the same place where their was a problem if he sees fit.

You are so right Peter, I have just lived here for a number of years and work multiple sports, work with multiple assignors in all those sports, but I have no idea how the assigning works or how officials are scratched. I will make sure to give out your email to area umpires for advice on how to deal with the coaches and assignors that live here. Remember, you know.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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