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Old Tue Jun 22, 2004, 02:48pm
WindyCityBlue WindyCityBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
Obstruction call

The catcher must station himself to catch the ball that is thrown. If that is several feet up the 3B line then so be it.

Where is the ball coming from? If he stations himself up the third baseline to catch a toss from the outfield, he is in serious jeopardy. He belongs back at the dish or within a tag of it. depending on the level of athlete, most outfielders throw to the player, they can't see the dish. If the guy is way up the line in order to slow him down, he is at risk of being called for obstruction. Where you will see this is when the bags are loaded and the catcher stands there yelling out his directions - only he makes the runners go around him!

I don't diagree with you that it is going to be a tough call, but we penalize the guys that cheat. Calling for a throw up the line and causing the guy to slide too early is cheating in my book.
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