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Old Tue Jun 22, 2004, 02:41pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Peter, I am surprised.

Originally posted by His High Holiness

It is generally a waste of time to argue with Rut so I am replying for the rest of you. The first problem in replying to Rut is interpreting his mangled grammar. Tell me, what does this sentence mean:
Then why are you responding using my words? If you were not responding to me, then you would not use my words at all to defend your silly argument.

Originally posted by His High Holiness
Unfortunately, we must take into account the customer's wishes or he will go somewhere else. My association has driven the other associations in our area out of business. In spite of the fact that we charge MORE than anyone else, the customer chooses us because we take care of the customer. It does you no good to be the best umpire in the world if no one will hire you.
Who cares what one association does over another. The issue is whether it is in the best interest of the game and the umpires on a game to treat the coaches like customers. Last time I checked, that is not my job to make everyone happy.

Originally posted by His High Holiness
It is a truism of business everywhere. The man who pays the bills makes the rules. Unless you want to live in a communist country, you will have to get use to it. Only sports officials are arrogant enough to believe that marketplace rules don't apply to them. Recognizing this fact, we have put our competition out of business and made more money for ourselves in the process.
I see, this is about your ability to compete with other associations. So all this crap is an attempt to maintain some silly place with a conference or school. I agree that they have some say in what goes on, but there are standards that should be maintained. If the people that paid the bills to carry a gun around on the field, does not mean I think that is a good idea because the customer says so.

Originally posted by His High Holiness
Thank God our competition thinks like Rut.
I thank Jesus that most people do not think like you. It does not surprise me that folks like yourself are more concerned with maintaining something than holding some professional standards. There is nothing wrong with letting the coaches decide some things about games they participate, but I would think that your state has some standards that need to be upheld. I know we would have problems if we allowed coaches to make up rules as the go along, just because they wanted to. But then again, I am not you.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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